Graduate School / PhD program
We welcome those interested in clinical research to pursue graduate studies in our department. Our research ranges from clinical research to basic research, and we collaborate with internal and external research facilities. Our goal is to disseminate research results to society and apply them to the field.
International Collaboration
To train future Emergency Medicine leaders, we have been inviting emergency physicians who are active on the front lines in the U.S. to provide clinical instruction and seminars since October 2014 in cooperation with Osaka Police Hospital, Tane General Hospital, and Osaka General Medical Center. During the period of travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted Japan-U.S. Emergency Web Conferences.
Surgical Techniques Training
Trauma Surgery Training in the Wet Lab
We offer trauma surgery training courses in cooperation with Next Generation Endoscopic Intervention, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine (Project ENGINE), using a wet lab several times a year. Our courses are primarily intended for young emergency physicians, enabling them to learn basic techniques such as chest drains and resuscitative thoracotomy. Mid-career emergency physicians with surgical experience can also participate and learn more advanced techniques.
Cadaver-based educational seminar for trauma surgery (C-BEST)
Since 2022, we have been offering C-BEST, a training course on emergency procedures and trauma surgery using donated bodies. This program allows trauma surgeons to learn surgical anatomy and techniques in areas that may be difficult to simulate in a wet lab, such as the extremities and neck.
Contribution to the hospital’s resuscitation course
Osaka University Hospital Advanced Life Support Course
Osaka University Hospital conducts advanced life support training courses that are accredited by the Japanese Association of Acute Medicine for ICLS courses and by the Osaka Medical Association for ACLS courses. Resuscitation is one of our department’s areas of expertise, so we contribute to the operation of the courses at Osaka University Hospital by dispatching instructors to each course.
Osaka University Hospital PUSH Workshop
Since 2010, Osaka University Hospital has been offering a 45-minute CPR introductory course for non-medical personnel, including cleaning staff, store clerks, and security personnel. The course includes an introduction to emergency calls and PUSH workshop. The PUSH workshop is proposed by the Osaka Life Support Association, a non-profit organization. In addition to this, we also provide training on an emergency call within the hospital. We will continue to contribute to the creation of a safe hospital by providing such training to non-medical staff.
Teaching Clinical Research for Medical Students
Our department offers practical training for fifth-year medical students to conduct their clinical research using existing data sets, starting from setting up a research theme to statistical analysis and preparing presentation materials. Through this two-month training, many students experience their first conference presentation or paper writing. We welcome anyone interested in clinical research in the field of emergency medicine and critical care.